Debts should be paid before going to the new year. If not all, at least some.
These are some pictures of my October and November garden that were not shown.
I got carried away telling about visiting other gardens and neglected my own.
Vegetable garden had its ups and downs, but kale and parsley never failed!
2017 was a good year for my garden. A load of horse manure from my friend's stables was a cherry on the cupcake!
This hydrangea is growing in a bottomless pot. Roots have obviously escaped the pot long ago.
Succulent buddies
Kenai is a dreamer. He always watching birds and planes.
I planted the majority of the grapes just as ornamental plants, since there is not much full-sun areas here, but look at these beauties!
I should admit that this is one of my favorite shots - and not only because of handsome Kenai, but also thanks to the lighting in the background.
Fir trees and palm trees - love seeing them together. So different and doing so well together.
When we, people, will be like them?
Everyone should have a little red wagon...
A visitor enjoying a pine cone in the utility area.
The only one in my garden
Kale is going strong till December. It probably could last longer but it's getting eaten (by me and slugs).
The Japanese Holly (Ilex) hedge scares me. It's getting wider and taller, threatening to block the garden view from the windows.
I certainly didn't trim it enough in previous years.
This rustic table became a favorite addition to my garden. It was made by Travis Foreman who is well known in our area for his creations from driftwood, recycled wood, etc.
This front bed got several new plants: hydrangea, edgeworthia, rhododendron.
This is the pot where I used to plant one of my Abyssinian banana trees.
Oregon Pride Hydrangea
Abyssinian banana trees were planted in the Terrace Garden for the first time.
Two of them did better than the third one which didn't get enough moisture.
Araucaria grows in the pot. There will be the time when it'll send its roots down to the earth.... and then, I'll be sorry that I didn't place it somewhere further... it can grow huge!
September was very green in the garden, but October started showing some browns and yellows.

Love this jungle
Pumpkins from friends' farm were great decorations!
Grape vines are climbing the fir trees. Upper vines gave the most grapes.
Berberis grows in different parts of the garden. The plant (red b.) with less sun gives more berries but not very colorful foliage. Plants (gold b.) having more sun have beautiful color, but almost no berries. Interesting...
Neighbors' burning bush lends leaves to this area of the garden
Precious: Fatsia japonica is one of the ultimate favorites of mine
My roses are not full, luxurious bushes. But, they almost don't have black spots, and they are tall and bloom even in November.
Endless Summer Hydrangea
Plants friendship
Gunnera is preparing for winter.
October hail punctured the leaves of Calycanthus floridus
Grapes grown at the house wall don't get attacked by birds
Angel Wings... please, survive the winter!
Overwintering some succulents in the kitchen.
Do you think a bowl with water helps to moisten the air?
Japanese maples are doing their magic...
Fatsia japonica seen here grows voluntarily from seeds brought by birds or wind from the other parts of the garden.
At last, on this bed, I removed a big patch of hosta consistently eaten by slugs. I'm tired of trying to eliminate them. I have too many other things to do rather than try to win this battle.
For some reason, birds didn't touch these grapes like they did in previous years.
Larch trees are getting yellow at last
New in my garden - Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' from the
Old Goat Farm. I chose the most asymmetric and disheveled one.
Smoke tree
Well, I feel better now after reporting about my fall garden.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and/or other winter Holidays.
Days are getting longer and lighter. Let's hope for a new year which is good for people, plants and all the creatures on the Earth!
***Copyright 2017 TatyanaS